Package jenkins

Class ExtensionFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class ExtensionFilter extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
Filters out ExtensionComponents discovered by ExtensionFinders, as if they were never discovered.

This is useful for those who are deploying restricted/simplified version of Jenkins by reducing the functionality.

Because of the way ExtensionFinder works, even when an extension component is rejected by a filter, its instance still gets created first.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ExtensionFilter

      public ExtensionFilter()
  • Method Details

    • allows

      public abstract <T> boolean allows(Class<T> type, ExtensionComponent<T> component)
      Checks if a newly discovered extension is allowed to participate into Jenkins.

      To filter Descriptors based on the Describable subtypes, do as follows:

       return !component.isDescriptorOf(Builder.class);
      type - The type of the extension that we are discovering. This is not the actual instance type, but the contract type, such as Descriptor, AdministrativeMonitor, etc.
      component - the actual discovered Extension object.
      true to let the component into Jenkins. false to drop it and pretend as if it didn't exist. When any one of ExtensionFilters veto a component, it gets dropped.
    • isAllowed

      public static <T> boolean isAllowed(Class<T> type, ExtensionComponent<T> component)
    • all

      public static ExtensionList<ExtensionFilter> all()
      All registered ExtensionFilter instances.