Package hudson.util

Interface VariableResolver<V>

All Known Implementing Classes:
VariableResolver.ByMap, VariableResolver.Union

public interface VariableResolver<V>
Resolves variables to its value, while encapsulating how that resolution happens.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      static final VariableResolver NONE
      Empty resolver that always returns null.
  • Method Details

    • resolve

      V resolve(String name)
      Receives a variable name and obtains the value associated with the name.

      This can be implemented simply on top of a Map (see VariableResolver.ByMap), or this can be used like an expression evaluator.

      name - Name of the variable to be resolved. Never null, never empty. The name shouldn't include the syntactic marker of an expression. IOW, it should be "foo" but not "${foo}". A part of the goal of this design is to abstract away the expression marker syntax.
      Object referenced by the name. Null if not found.