Package hudson.util

Class Retrier.Builder<V>

Type Parameters:
V - The return type of the action to perform.
Enclosing class:

public static class Retrier.Builder<V> extends Object
Builder to create a Retrier object. The action to perform, the way of check whether is was successful and the name of the action are required.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder(@NonNull Callable<V> callable, @NonNull BiPredicate<Integer,V> checkResult, @NonNull String action)
      Constructor of the builder with the required parameters.
      callable - Action to perform
      checkResult - Method to check if the result of the action was a success
      action - name of the action to perform, for messages purposes.
  • Method Details

    • withAttempts

      @NonNull public Retrier.Builder<V> withAttempts(int attempts)
      Set the number of attempts trying to perform the action.
      attempts - number of attempts
      this builder
    • withDelay

      @NonNull public Retrier.Builder<V> withDelay(long millis)
      Set the time in milliseconds to wait for the next attempt.
      millis - milliseconds to wait
      this builder
    • withDuringActionExceptions

      @NonNull public Retrier.Builder<V> withDuringActionExceptions(@CheckForNull Class<?>[] exceptions)
      Set all the exceptions that are allowed and indicate that the action was failed. When an exception of this type or a child type is raised, a listener can be called (withDuringActionExceptionListener(BiFunction)). In any case, the retrier continues its process, retrying to perform the action again, as it was a normal failure.
      exceptions - exceptions that indicate that the action was failed.
      this builder
    • withDuringActionExceptionListener

      @NonNull public Retrier.Builder<V> withDuringActionExceptionListener(@NonNull BiFunction<Integer,Exception,V> exceptionListener)
      Set the listener to be executed when an allowed exception is raised when performing the action. The listener could even change the result of the action if needed.
      exceptionListener - the listener to call to
      this builder
    • build

      @NonNull public Retrier<V> build()
      Create a Retrier object with the specification set in this builder.
      the retrier