Package hudson.scm

Class PollingResult

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, org.jenkinsci.remoting.SerializableOnlyOverRemoting

public final class PollingResult extends Object implements org.jenkinsci.remoting.SerializableOnlyOverRemoting
Immutable object that represents the result of SCM polling.

This object is marked serializable just to be remoting friendly — Jenkins by itself doesn't persist this object.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • baseline

      @CheckForNull public final SCMRevisionState baseline
      Baseline of the comparison. (This comes from either the workspace, or from the remote repository as of the last polling. Can be null.
    • remote

      @CheckForNull public final SCMRevisionState remote
      Current state of the remote repository. To be passed to the next invocation of the polling method. Can be null.
    • change

      @NonNull public final PollingResult.Change change
      Degree of the change between baseline and remote. Never null.

      The fact that this field is independent from baseline and remote are used to (1) allow the incomparable state which forces the immediate rebuild, and (2) allow SCM to ignore some changes in the repository to implement exclusion feature.


      public static final PollingResult NO_CHANGES
      Constant to indicate no changes in the remote repository.

      public static final PollingResult SIGNIFICANT

      public static final PollingResult BUILD_NOW
      Constant that uses PollingResult.Change.INCOMPARABLE which forces an immediate build.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • hasChanges

      public boolean hasChanges()