Package hudson.scm

Class ChangeLogSet.Entry

Enclosing class:
ChangeLogSet<T extends ChangeLogSet.Entry>

@ExportedBean(defaultVisibility=999) public abstract static class ChangeLogSet.Entry extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Entry

      public Entry()
  • Method Details

    • getParent

      public ChangeLogSet getParent()
    • setParent

      protected void setParent(ChangeLogSet parent)
      Should be invoked before a ChangeLogSet is exposed to public.
    • getCommitId

      @Exported public String getCommitId()
      Returns a human readable display name of the commit number, revision number, and such thing that identifies this entry.

      This method is primarily intended for visualization of the data.

      null if such a concept doesn't make sense for the implementation. For example, in CVS there's no single identifier for commits. Each file gets a different revision number.
    • getTimestamp

      @Exported public long getTimestamp()
      Returns the timestamp of this commit in the Date.getTime() format.

      This method is primarily intended for visualization of the data.

      -1 if the implementation doesn't support it (for example, in CVS a commit spreads over time between multiple changes on multiple files, so there's no single timestamp.)
    • getMsg

      @Exported public abstract String getMsg()
      Gets the "commit message".

      The exact definition depends on the individual SCM implementation.

      Can be empty but never null.
    • getAuthor

      @Exported public abstract User getAuthor()
      The user who made this change.
      never null.
    • getAffectedPaths

      @Exported public abstract Collection<String> getAffectedPaths()
      Returns a set of paths in the workspace that was affected by this change.

      Contains string like 'foo/bar/zot'. No leading/trailing '/', and separator must be normalized to '/'.

      never null.
    • getAffectedFiles

      public Collection<? extends ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile> getAffectedFiles()
      Returns a set of paths in the workspace that was affected by this change.

      Noted: since this is a new interface, some of the SCMs may not have implemented this interface. The default implementation for this interface is throw UnsupportedOperationException

      It doesn't throw NoSuchMethodException because I rather to throw a runtime exception

      AffectedFile never null.
    • getMsgAnnotated

      public String getMsgAnnotated()
      Gets the text fully marked up by ChangeLogAnnotator.
    • getMsgEscaped

      public String getMsgEscaped()
      Message escaped for HTML