Package hudson

Class MarkupText.SubText

Enclosing class:

public final class MarkupText.SubText extends AbstractMarkupText
Represents a substring of a MarkupText.
  • Constructor Details

    • SubText

      public SubText(Matcher m, int textOffset)
    • SubText

      public SubText(int start, int end)
  • Method Details

    • subText

      public MarkupText.SubText subText(int start, int end)
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupText
      Returns a subtext.
      Specified by:
      subText in class AbstractMarkupText
      end - If negative, -N means "trim the last N-1 chars". That is, (s,-1) is the same as (s,length)
    • getText

      public String getText()
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupText
      Returns the plain text portion of this MarkupText without any markup, nor any escape.
      Specified by:
      getText in class AbstractMarkupText
    • addMarkup

      public void addMarkup(int startPos, int endPos, String startTag, String endTag)
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkupText
      Adds a start tag and end tag at the specified position.

      For example, if the text was "abc", then addMarkup(1,2,"<b>","</b>") would generate "a<b>b</b>c"

      Specified by:
      addMarkup in class AbstractMarkupText
    • surroundWith

      public void surroundWith(String startTag, String endTag)
      Surrounds this subtext with the specified start tag and the end tag.

      Start/end tag text can contain special tokens "$0", "$1", ... and they will be replaced by their group match. "\$" can be used to escape characters.

    • surroundWithLiteral

      public void surroundWithLiteral(String startTag, String endTag)
      Works like surroundWith(String, String) except that the token replacement is not performed on parameters.
    • href

      public void href(String url)
      Surrounds this subtext with <a>…</a>.
    • start

      public int start(int groupIndex)
      Gets the start index of the captured group within MarkupText.getText().
      groupIndex - 0 means the start of the whole subtext. 1, 2, ... are groups captured by '(...)' in the regexp.
    • start

      public int start()
      Gets the start index of this subtext within MarkupText.getText().
    • end

      public int end(int groupIndex)
      Gets the end index of the captured group within MarkupText.getText().
    • end

      public int end()
      Gets the end index of this subtext within MarkupText.getText().
    • group

      public String group(int groupIndex)
      Gets the text that represents the captured group.
    • groupCount

      public int groupCount()
      How many captured groups are in this subtext.
    • replace

      public String replace(String s)
      Replaces the group tokens like "$0", "$1", and etc with their actual matches.
    • createSubText

      protected MarkupText.SubText createSubText(Matcher m)
      Specified by:
      createSubText in class AbstractMarkupText