Class MavenModuleSet

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MavenModuleSet extends Job
  • Field Details

    • version

      public final Control version
    • goals

      public final Control goals
  • Constructor Details

    • MavenModuleSet

      public MavenModuleSet( injector, URL url, String name)
  • Method Details

    • options

      public MavenModuleSet options(String options)
    • setGoals

      public void setGoals(String goals)
    • addBuildSettings

      public <T extends PostBuildStep> T addBuildSettings(Class<T> type, Consumer<T> configuration)
      Enables the specified settings for this job. Settings (i.e. publishers) are stored in a list member to provide later access for modification. After the settings have been added they are configured with the specified configuration lambda. Afterwards, the job configuration page still is visible and not saved.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the settings
      type - the settings to configure
      configuration - the additional configuration options for this job
      See Also:
    • addBuildSettings

      public <T extends PostBuildStep> T addBuildSettings(Class<T> type)
      Enables the specified settings for this job. Settings (i.e. publishers) are stored in a list member to provide later access for modification. Afterwards, the job configuration page still is visible and not saved.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the settings
      type - the settings to configure
      See Also:
    • getBuildSettings

      public <T extends PostBuildStep> T getBuildSettings(Class<T> type)
      Wrapper function to get a previously added build settings object.
      type - the type of the build settings to be retrieved
      the build settings object
    • addBuildStep

      public <T extends BuildStep> T addBuildStep(Class<T> type)
      addBuildStep in class Job
    • addBatchStep

      public BatchCommandBuildStep addBatchStep(String batch)
      addBatchStep in class Job
    • addShellStep

      public ShellBuildStep addShellStep(String shell)
      addShellStep in class Job
    • module

      public MavenModule module(String name)
    • build

      public MavenBuild build(int buildNumber)
      build in class Job
    • getLastBuild

      public MavenBuild getLastBuild()
      getLastBuild in class Job
    • useDefaultMavenVersion

      public void useDefaultMavenVersion()
      Use the default maven version for a job. Note that this maven version needs to be installed before this method is called. Additionally, at least 2 versions need to be installed. Otherwise the drop down menu is not shown and the default version is used.
      See Also: