Class ArchiveZapStep

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArchiveZapStep

        public ArchiveZapStep​(Integer failAllAlerts,
                              Integer failHighAlerts,
                              Integer failMediumAlerts,
                              Integer failLowAlerts,
                              String falsePositivesFilePath,
                              boolean keepAlive)
        Analyse the zap attack and generate the zap report, then stop the zap instance.
        failAllAlerts - Fail the run if there is x or more of any type of alert - default 0 (disabled)
        failHighAlerts - Fail the run when there is x or more of HIGH risk alerts - default 1
        failMediumAlerts - Fail the run when there is x or more of MEDIUM risk alerts - default 0 (disabled)
        failLowAlerts - Fail the run when there is more x or more LOW risk alerts - default 0 (disabled)
        falsePositivesFilePath - File name and path (relative to workspace) to the falsePositives config file - default "zapfalsePositives.json"
        keepAlive - If true, the zap application will not be sent the shutdown command.