All Classes and Interfaces

Determines whether a failure in ExecutorStep should be retried.
A marker interface for CauseOfInterruption instances that can be retried through AgentErrorCondition.
Asynchronous batch script execution.
Normally now done via ExecutorStepDynamicContext.
Runs a durable task, such as a shell script, typically on an agent.
Normally now done via ExecutorStepDynamicContext.
Grabs an Executor on a node of your choice and runs its block with that executor occupied.
Persistent representation for context of ExecutorStepExecution.
Need not use ExecutorStepDynamicContext.Translator since we can serve a Node even when offline.
Looks for executions whose ExecutorStepExecution.getStatus() would be neither running nor scheduled, and cancels them.
Analogue of FilePathPickle.
Generated localization support class.
Asynchronous batch script execution.
Temporarily changes the working directory.
Runs a Bourne shell script asynchronously on a build agent.
Normally now done via ExecutorStepDynamicContext.
Allocates a workspace on the current node and uses that as the default directory for nested steps.