Class HttpRetriever

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetriever>

@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class HttpRetriever extends org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetriever
The goal of this plugin is to provide another way to retrieve shared libraries via the @Library declaration in a Jenkinsfile.

The current official plugin (workflow-cps-global-lib) does provide only a way to retrieve shared libraries through a SCM, such as Git, Subversion, etc.

  • Constructor Details

    • HttpRetriever

      @DataBoundConstructor public HttpRetriever(@NonNull String httpURL, @NonNull String credentialsId, boolean preemptiveAuth)
      httpURL - URL template where the library can be downloaded
      credentialsId - The credentials ID that can be used to do an authenticated download
      preemptiveAuth - Send the basic authentication response before the server gives an unauthorized response
  • Method Details

    • isPreemptiveAuth

      public boolean isPreemptiveAuth()
      Accessor for know if the plugin should send the basic authentication response before the server gives an unauthorized response
      if the plugin should always send the basic authentication
    • getHttpURL

      public String getHttpURL()
      Accessor for URL template where the library can be downloaded
      URL template where the library can be downloaded
    • getCredentialsId

      public String getCredentialsId()
      Accessor for credentials ID that can be used to do an authenticated download
      The credentials ID that can be used to do an authenticated download
    • retrieve

      public void retrieve(@NonNull String name, @NonNull String version, @NonNull FilePath target, @NonNull Run<?,?> run, @NonNull TaskListener listener) throws Exception
      Retrieves the shared library code. Prefer this version of the method.

      Checks first if the library is accessible via a HEAD call. Then retrieves the shared library through HTTP protocol.

      Specified by:
      retrieve in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetriever
      name - Name of the library (as specified in the Jenkinsfile @Library)
      version - Version of the library (as specified in the Jenkinsfile @Library)
      target - Where the code should be retrieved
      run - Jenkins context
      listener - Only used to get the logger
      Exception - if the file cannot be downloaded, archive can't be extracted, workspace is not writable
    • retrieve

      public void retrieve(@NonNull String name, @NonNull String version, @NonNull boolean changelog, @NonNull FilePath target, @NonNull Run<?,?> run, @NonNull TaskListener listener) throws Exception
      Checks first if the library is accessible via a HEAD call. Then retrieves the shared library through HTTP protocol.
      Specified by:
      retrieve in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetriever
      name - Name of the library (as specified in the Jenkinsfile @Library)
      version - Version of the library (as specified in the Jenkinsfile @Library)
      changelog - Not used
      target - Where the code should be retrieved
      run - Jenkins context
      listener - Only used to get the logger
      Exception - if the file cannot be downloaded, archive can't be extracted, workspace is not writable
    • validateVersion

      public FormValidation validateVersion(@NonNull String name, @NonNull String version)
      Validates version. Is it available for download. Tests the URL. Used if a default version is referenced in the declaration of the library. Then the archive of the library must be reachable.

      Replaces the pattern ${library.NAME.version} in the URL (if found in the shared library URL) either by the default version specified in the admin configuration page or by the user in the Jenkinsfile @Library call.

      validateVersion in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetriever
      name - Name of the library
      version - Version of the library
      Result of the validation
    • getDescriptor

      public org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetrieverDescriptor getDescriptor()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptor in interface Describable<org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetriever>
      getDescriptor in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryRetriever