Class Messages


@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class Messages extends Object
Generated localization support class.
  • Constructor Details

    • Messages

      public Messages()
  • Method Details

    • FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_description

      public static String FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_description()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED.description: Performance-optimized: much faster (requires clean shutdown to save running pipelines).
      Performance-optimized: much faster (requires clean shutdown to save running pipelines)
    • _FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_description

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_description()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED.description: Performance-optimized: much faster (requires clean shutdown to save running pipelines).
      Performance-optimized: much faster (requires clean shutdown to save running pipelines)
    • FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_description

      public static String FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_description()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC.description: Less durability, a bit faster (specialty use only).
      Less durability, a bit faster (specialty use only)
    • _FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_description

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_description()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC.description: Less durability, a bit faster (specialty use only).
      Less durability, a bit faster (specialty use only)
    • FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_description

      public static String FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_description()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.MAX_SURVIVABILITY.description: Maximum survivability/durability but slowest.
      Maximum survivability/durability but slowest
    • _FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_description

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_description()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.MAX_SURVIVABILITY.description: Maximum survivability/durability but slowest.
      Maximum survivability/durability but slowest
    • FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_tooltip

      public static String FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_tooltip()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.MAX_SURVIVABILITY.tooltip: Writes data with every step, using atomic writes for integrity. Provides maximum ability to retain running pipeline data and resume in the event of a Jenkins failure..
      Writes data with every step, using atomic writes for integrity. Provides maximum ability to retain running pipeline data and resume in the event of a Jenkins failure.
    • _FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_tooltip

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _FlowDurabilityHint_MAX_SURVIVABILITY_tooltip()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.MAX_SURVIVABILITY.tooltip: Writes data with every step, using atomic writes for integrity. Provides maximum ability to retain running pipeline data and resume in the event of a Jenkins failure..
      Writes data with every step, using atomic writes for integrity. Provides maximum ability to retain running pipeline data and resume in the event of a Jenkins failure.
    • FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_tooltip

      public static String FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_tooltip()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC.tooltip: Writes data with every step but avoids atomic writes. On some file systems this is faster than maximum durability mode, but running pipeline data may be lost if disk writes are interrupted or fail..
      Writes data with every step but avoids atomic writes. On some file systems this is faster than maximum durability mode, but running pipeline data may be lost if disk writes are interrupted or fail.
    • _FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_tooltip

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _FlowDurabilityHint_SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC_tooltip()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.SURVIVABLE_NONATOMIC.tooltip: Writes data with every step but avoids atomic writes. On some file systems this is faster than maximum durability mode, but running pipeline data may be lost if disk writes are interrupted or fail..
      Writes data with every step but avoids atomic writes. On some file systems this is faster than maximum durability mode, but running pipeline data may be lost if disk writes are interrupted or fail.
    • FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_tooltip

      public static String FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_tooltip()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED.tooltip: Avoids writing data with every step, avoids atomic writes of data. Pipelines can resume if Jenkins shuts down cleanly, but running pipelines lose step information and cannot resume if Jenkins unexpectedly fails..
      Avoids writing data with every step, avoids atomic writes of data. Pipelines can resume if Jenkins shuts down cleanly, but running pipelines lose step information and cannot resume if Jenkins unexpectedly fails.
    • _FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_tooltip

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _FlowDurabilityHint_PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED_tooltip()
      Key FlowDurabilityHint.PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED.tooltip: Avoids writing data with every step, avoids atomic writes of data. Pipelines can resume if Jenkins shuts down cleanly, but running pipelines lose step information and cannot resume if Jenkins unexpectedly fails..
      Avoids writing data with every step, avoids atomic writes of data. Pipelines can resume if Jenkins shuts down cleanly, but running pipelines lose step information and cannot resume if Jenkins unexpectedly fails.