Class UploadService.UploadResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • UploadResult

        public UploadResult​(int statusCode,
                            String responseBody,
                            String name,
                            String url,
                            long byteSize,
                            String storageType,
                            long startTime,
                            long endTime)
        Default constructor for UploadResult.
        statusCode - Status code for uploading task, the same as the http response code.
        responseBody - Response from the server side. Provide detailed information when the task fails.
        name - The name of the uploaded object.
        url - The target url of the uploaded object.
        byteSize - The byte size of the uploaded object.
        storageType - Storage type of the uploaded object.
        startTime - Start time of the uploading task.
        endTime - End time of the uploading task.
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusCode

        public int getStatusCode()
      • getResponseBody

        public String getResponseBody()
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
      • getByteSize

        public long getByteSize()
      • getStorageType

        public String getStorageType()
      • getStartTime

        public long getStartTime()
      • getEndTime

        public long getEndTime()