Class AbstractBuildNumberGenerator

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractBuildNumberGenerator

        public AbstractBuildNumberGenerator()
    • Method Detail

      • isValidOverride

        public static boolean isValidOverride​(EnvVars envVars,
                                              String override)
        Returns true if the passed override results to a valid value greater than or equal to 0, false otherwise.
        envVars - The environment variables.
        override - The override string, such as buildsAllTime
        True if the override results in a valid value.
      • resolveOverride

        public static Integer resolveOverride​(EnvVars envVars,
                                              String override)
        Given an override, see if it resolves to a valid integer greater than or equal to zero from either an environment variable or a direct conversion.
        envVars - The environment variables.
        override - The override string, such as buildsAllTime
        The integer value of the override or null if conversion does not result in a valid value.