All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AbstractArgs The AbstractArgs class contributes API-agnostic switches to Veracode API wrapper command line arguments created by derived types.ACWebRequestHandler The ACWebRequestHandler class enables the Veracode Java API wrapper to make web requests to Veracode with a custom User-Agent header value.BuildHistory The BuildHistory class represents the build history data for a particular scan type (Static, SCA, Dynamic Analysis)Constant The Constant class contains the commonly used strings in the plugin.CredentialsBlock The CredentialsBlock class corresponds to an "optionalBlock" jelly element that represents user credentials data.DAAdapterService The DAAdapterService class contains the methods for resubmitting and retrieving Dynamic Analysis for both Freestyle and Pipeline.DAScanHistory The DAScanHistory class represents the Dynamic Analysis history for a Jenkins current/past build.DynamicAnalysisResultsAction This class represents the post build Veracode step on the build page.DynamicAnalysisResultsNotifier The DynamicAnalysisResultsNotifier class handles processing for post build action "Review Veracode Dynamic Analysis Results".DynamicAnalysisResultsNotifier.DynamicAnalysisResultsDescriptorImpl DynamicAnalysisResultsPipelineRecorder The DynamicAnalysisResultsPipelineRecorder class handles processing for "veracodeDynamicAnalysisReview" Pipeline script.DynamicAnalysisResultsPipelineRecorder.PipelineDynamicAnalysisResultsDescriptorImpl DynamicAnalysisStartNotifier The DynamicAnalysisStartNotifier class handles processing for post build action "Resubmit Veracode Dynamic Analysis".DynamicAnalysisStartNotifier.DynamicAnalysisStartDescriptor DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineRecorder The DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineRecorder class handles processing for "veracodeDynamicAnalysisResubmit" Pipeline script.DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineRecorder.DynamicAnalysisStartPipelineDescriptor DynamicRescanArgs The DynamicRescanArgs class builds the command line argument passed to the Veracode API wrapper that causes it to create dynamic scan request and submit the created dynamic scan.DynamicRescanNotifier The DynamicRescanNotifier class contains the code that is executed after a job that is configured to use the Veracode plugin is built and provides getter methods for the form fields defined in config.jelly.DynamicRescanNotifier.DynamicScanDescriptor Contains the code that is executed after a user submits the "Configure System" form and provides getter methods for the form fields defined in global.jelly.DynamicRescanPipelineRecorder The DynamicRescanPipelineRecorder class handles processing for "veracodeDynamicRescan" Pipeline script.DynamicRescanPipelineRecorder.PipelineDynamicRescanDescriptorImpl EncryptionUtil The EncryptionUtil is a utility class for encrypting and decrypting plugin-related configuration data.FileUtil The FileUtil is a utility class for working with files and directories.FileUtil.FileCallableImpl ImplementsFileCallable
method, which is executed on the machine containing the file whose file path is represented by theFilePath
object on which theact
method is called.FindingCounts The FindingCounts class represents the counts and mitigated status of findings at a severity level.FormValidationUtil The FormValidationUtil is a utility class for performing validation of form fields.GetAppListArgs The GetAppListArgs class builds the command line argument passed to the Veracode API wrapper that causes it to call the "" end point.Messages Generated localization support class.ProxyBlock The ProxyBlock class corresponds to an "optionalBlock" jelly element that represents proxy configuration data.RemoteScanUtil The RemoteScanUtil is a utility class related to perfoming the scans in remote location.SCAComponent The SCAComponent class represents a SCA Component (based on the detailed report)ScanHistory This XML-binded ScanHistory class represents the scan history for a Jenkins current/past builds.SCAScanHistory This SCAScanHistory class represents the SCA Scan history for a Jenkins current/past build.SeverityLevel The SeverityLevel class represents the severity levels of flaws or vulnerability.StringUtil The StringUtil is a utility class for working with Strings.SystemUtil TrendChart UploadAndScanArgs The UploadAndScanArgs class builds the command line argument passed to the Veracode API wrapper that causes it to upload binaries, start the pre-scan, and if the pre-scan is successful, start the scan.UserAgentUtil The UserAgentUtil is a utility class for getting version details.VeracodeAction This class represents the post build Veracode step on the build page.VeracodeNotifier The VeracodeNotifier class contains the code that is executed after a job that is configured to use the Veracode plugin is built and provides getter methods for the form fields defined in config.jelly.VeracodeNotifier.VeracodeDescriptor Contains the code that is executed after a user submits the "Configure System" form and provides getter methods for the form fields defined in global.jelly.VeracodeParametersAction VeracodePipelineRecorder The VeracodePipelineRecorder class handles processing for "veracode" Pipeline script.VeracodePipelineRecorder.PipelineDescriptorImpl WrapperUtil The WrapperUtil class contains the helpers for using wrappers.XmlUtil The XmlUtil class contains the helpers to work with XML.