SlackNotifier(String baseUrl,
String teamDomain,
String authToken,
boolean botUser,
String room,
String tokenCredentialId,
String sendAs,
boolean startNotification,
boolean notifyAborted,
boolean notifyFailure,
boolean notifyNotBuilt,
boolean notifySuccess,
boolean notifyUnstable,
boolean notifyRegression,
boolean notifyBackToNormal,
boolean notifyRepeatedFailure,
boolean includeTestSummary,
boolean includeFailedTests,
MatrixTriggerMode matrixTriggerMode,
CommitInfoChoice commitInfoChoice,
boolean includeCustomMessage,
String customMessage,
String customMessageSuccess,
String customMessageAborted,
String customMessageNotBuilt,
String customMessageUnstable,
String customMessageFailure)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.