Class ControllerGroovyScript

All Implemented Interfaces:
hudson.remoting.Callable<Object,RuntimeException>, Serializable, org.jenkinsci.remoting.RoleSensitive

public class ControllerGroovyScript extends GroovyScript
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ControllerGroovyScript

      public ControllerGroovyScript(String script, @NonNull Collection<Parameter> parameters, boolean failWithException, TaskListener listener, Launcher launcher, AbstractBuild<?,?> build)
      This constructor can only be used when the script is executed on the built-in node, because launcher and build can not be transferred to an agent and therefore the execution will fail
      script - the script to be executed
      parameters - the parameters to be passed to the script
      failWithException - should the job fail with an exception
      listener - access to logging via listener
      launcher - the launcher
      build - the current build
  • Method Details