Class RepoScm.DescriptorImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Saveable, OnMaster
    Enclosing class:

    public static class RepoScm.DescriptorImpl
    extends SCMDescriptor<RepoScm>
    A DescriptorImpl contains variables used server-wide. In our263 case, we only store the path to the repo executable, which defaults to just "repo". This class also handles some Jenkins housekeeping.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DescriptorImpl

        public DescriptorImpl()
        Call the superclass constructor and load our configuration from the file system.
    • Method Detail

      • doExecutableCheck

        public FormValidation doExecutableCheck​(@QueryParameter
                                                String value)
        Check that the specified parameter exists on the file system and is a valid executable.
        value - A path to an executable on the file system.
        Error if the file doesn't exist, otherwise return OK.
      • getExecutable

        public String getExecutable()
        Returns the command to use when running repo. By default, we assume that repo is in the server's PATH and just return "repo".