Class RelizaPR

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<Builder>, BuildStep, SimpleBuildStep

    public class RelizaPR
    extends Builder
    implements SimpleBuildStep
    Method that denotes that we are sending data for a pull request.

    Method itself does not require parameters but requires that the Flags class passed during library initialization contains these parameters.

    - apiKeyId (required) - flag for instance api id.
    - apiKey (required) - flag for instance api key.
    - branch (required) - flag to denote name of the base branch for the pull request.
    - targetBranch (required) - flag to denote name of the target branch for the pull request.
    - state (required) - flag to denote state of the pull request.
    - endpoint (required) - flag to denote HTML endpoint of the pull request.
    - title (required) - flag to denote title of the pull request.
    - number (required) - flag to denote number of the pull request.
    - commits (required) - flag to denote comma seprated commit shas on this pull request (Optional when single commit flag is used).
    - commit (optional) - flag to denote current commit sha of this pull request.
    - createdDate (required) - flag to denote datetime when the pull request was created.
    - closedDate (optional) - flag to denote datetime when the pull request was closed.
    - mergedDate (optional) - flag to denote datetime when the pull request was merged.
    - projectId (optional) - flag to denote project uuid. Required if organization-wide read-write key is used, ignored if project specific api key is used.
    returns true if successful API call and null otherwise.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RelizaPR

        public RelizaPR()
        Builder initialization with no required parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • setTargetBranch

        public void setTargetBranch​(String targetBranch)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        targetBranch - - Used set the targetBranch.
      • setbaseBranch

        public void setbaseBranch​(String baseBranch)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        baseBranch - - Used set the baseBranch.
      • setState

        public void setState​(String state)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        state - - Used to override given state if needed.
      • setEndpoint

        public void setEndpoint​(String endpoint)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        endpoint - - Used to set the HTML endpoint of the PullRequest
      • settitle

        public void settitle​(String title)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        title - - Used to set the title of the PullRequest
      • setNumber

        public void setNumber​(String number)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        number - - Used to set the title of the PullRequest
      • setProjectId

        public void setProjectId​(String projectId)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        projectId - - UUID of project, only used when supplying custom version.
      • setUri

        public void setUri​(String uri)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        uri - - Base uri of api call, only used when supplying custom version. Default set to "".
      • setMergedDate

        public void setMergedDate​(String mergedDate)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        mergedDate - - Used to set the datetime when the pull request was merged
      • setClosedDate

        public void setClosedDate​(String closedDate)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        closedDate - - Used to set the datetime when the pull request was closed
      • setCreatedDate

        public void setCreatedDate​(String createdDate)
        Optional parameter for builder initialization.
        createdDate - - Used to set the datetime when the pull request was created
      • setCommits

        public void setCommits​(String commits)
        Sets up optional parameters from buildwrapper initialization.
        commits - - comma seprated commit shas on the pull request
      • setCommit

        public void setCommit​(String commit)
        Sets up optional parameters from buildwrapper initialization.
        commit - - current commit sha of the pull request
      • setEnvSuffix

        public void setEnvSuffix​(String envSuffix)
        Sets up optional parameters from buildwrapper initialization.
        envSuffix - - Flag which adds a suffix to all environment variables to differentiate from other withReliza calls.
      • toUUID

        public static UUID toUUID​(String projectId,
                                  TaskListener listener)
        String to UUID converter which handles conversion errors.
        projectId - - Project UUID.
        listener - - TaskListener to log specific error.
        Corresponding UUID if conversion succeeded and null otherwise.
      • resolveEnvVar

        public static String resolveEnvVar​(String envVar,
                                           String suffix,
                                           EnvVars envVars)
        Obtains env variable with envSuffix if it exists, otherwise obtains env variable without envSuffix. If neither exist null is passed through.
        envVar - - Key to resolve to a value using environment variables
        suffix - - Search for environment variables with this suffix
        envVars - - Map of all environment variables to search through
        Corresponding value from environment variable map