Class JavaClassName

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<TestMode>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class JavaClassName
    extends TestMode
    This mode works best with java projects.

    Each exclusion/inclusion generates two lines by replacing "." with "/" in the fully qualified test class name and appending ".java" to one line and ".class" to the second line.

    It is also able to estimate tests to run from the workspace content if no historical context could be found.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaClassName

        public JavaClassName()
    • Method Detail

      • isSplitByCase

        public boolean isSplitByCase()
      • getTestEntitiesMap

        public Map<String,​TestEntity> getTestEntitiesMap​(@NonNull
                                                               hudson.tasks.junit.ClassResult classResult)
        Specified by:
        getTestEntitiesMap in class TestMode
        classResult - The initial class result
        a Map of test entities, keyed by their unique key
      • estimate

        public Map<String,​TestEntity> estimate​(FilePath workspace,
                                                     TaskListener listener)
                                              throws InterruptedException
        Description copied from class: TestMode
        This method will be called if no historical test results can be found. In that case, an estimate can be provided from the workspace content.
        estimate in class TestMode
        workspace - The current directory where tests are expected to be found.
        listener - The build listener if any output needs to be logged.
        a Map of test entities, keyed by their unique key
        InterruptedException - if the build get interrupted while executing this method.
      • getWord

        public String getWord()
        Specified by:
        getWord in class TestMode
        a description of the test entity type that is used for splitting, e.g. "cases"