All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description BuildResultNavigator Navigates from the current results to the same results of any other build of the same job.ByIdResultSelector ColorPalette Csv Csv.CsvCustomParser Csv.Descriptor Descriptor for this provider.DisplayType FileFinder FilesScanner History History of analysis results.Item Json Model class, which represents anItem
.ItemHistoryChart Builds the Java side model for a trend chart showing the accurate, manually and incorrect parts of an asset or report.ItemPieChart Builds the model for a pie chart showing the attributes of an item.ItemSeriesBuilder Builds one x-axis point for the series of a line chart showing the results of an item from the json model.ItemTableModel Provides the model for the item table.ItemTableModel.ItemRow A table row that shows the properties of an item.JobAction Json Json.Descriptor Descriptor for this provider.Json.JsonParser LogHandler Main Messages Generated localization support class.NullReportHistory Palette Provider Provider.ProviderDescriptor PublishReportStep PublishReportStep.Descriptor Descriptor for this step.jelly: defines the context and the UI labels.Report ReportAction ReportBase ReportDetails ReportDto ReportHistory ReportParser ReportPublisher ReportRecorder ReportRecorder.Descriptor Descriptor for this step.jelly: defines the context and the UI elements.ReportResult ReportScanner ReportSeriesBuilder Builds one x-axis point for the series of a line chart showing the parts of a report from json model.ResultSelector Selects aReportAction
from all registered actions in a given job.Xml Xml.Descriptor Descriptor for this provider.Xml.XmlParser Yaml Yaml.Descriptor Descriptor for this provider.Yaml.YamlParser