Interface PodTemplateGroup

All Known Implementing Classes:
KubernetesCloud, NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud

public interface PodTemplateGroup
A group of pod templates that can be saved together.
  • Method Details

    • addTemplate

      void addTemplate(PodTemplate podTemplate)
      Add the template to the group.
      podTemplate - the template to add
    • replaceTemplate

      void replaceTemplate(PodTemplate oldTemplate, PodTemplate newTemplate)
      Replaces the old template with the new template.
      oldTemplate - the old template to replace
      newTemplate - the new template to replace with
    • removeTemplate

      void removeTemplate(PodTemplate podTemplate)
      Removes the template from the group.
      podTemplate - the template to remove
    • getPodTemplateGroupUrl

      String getPodTemplateGroupUrl()
      the URL to redirect to after the template is saved.