Class Messages


@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class Messages extends Object
Generated localization support class.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key KubernetesCloudNotAllowed.Description: Kubernetes cloud {0} is not allowed for folder containing job {1}.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key KubernetesFolderProperty.displayName: Kubernetes.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key KubernetesSlave.AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate: Agent {0} is provisioned from template {1}.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key KubernetesSlave.HomeWarning: [WARNING] HOME is set to / in the agent container. You may encounter troubles when using tools or ssh client. This usually happens if the uid doesn't have any entry in /etc/passwd. Please add a user to your Dockerfile or set the HOME environment variable to a valid directory in the pod template definition..
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key label.error: Labels must follow required specs - {0}.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud.displayName: Kubernetes (predefined settings).
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key offline: Kubernetes agent is going offline.
    static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable
    Key RFC1123.error: Container Names MUST match RFC 1123 - They can only contain lowercase letters, numbers or dashes: {0}.
    static String
    Key KubernetesCloudNotAllowed.Description: Kubernetes cloud {0} is not allowed for folder containing job {1}.
    static String
    Key KubernetesFolderProperty.displayName: Kubernetes.
    static String
    Key KubernetesSlave.AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate: Agent {0} is provisioned from template {1}.
    static String
    Key KubernetesSlave.HomeWarning: [WARNING] HOME is set to / in the agent container. You may encounter troubles when using tools or ssh client. This usually happens if the uid doesn't have any entry in /etc/passwd. Please add a user to your Dockerfile or set the HOME environment variable to a valid directory in the pod template definition..
    static String
    Key label.error: Labels must follow required specs - {0}.
    static String
    Key NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud.displayName: Kubernetes (predefined settings).
    static String
    Key offline: Kubernetes agent is going offline.
    static String
    Key RFC1123.error: Container Names MUST match RFC 1123 - They can only contain lowercase letters, numbers or dashes: {0}.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Messages

      public Messages()
  • Method Details

    • RFC1123_error

      public static String RFC1123_error(Object arg0)
      Key RFC1123.error: Container Names MUST match RFC 1123 - They can only contain lowercase letters, numbers or dashes: {0}.
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Container Names MUST match RFC 1123 - They can only contain lowercase letters, numbers or dashes: {0}
    • _RFC1123_error

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _RFC1123_error(Object arg0)
      Key RFC1123.error: Container Names MUST match RFC 1123 - They can only contain lowercase letters, numbers or dashes: {0}.
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Container Names MUST match RFC 1123 - They can only contain lowercase letters, numbers or dashes: {0}
    • KubernetesCloudNotAllowed_Description

      public static String KubernetesCloudNotAllowed_Description(Object arg0, Object arg1)
      Key KubernetesCloudNotAllowed.Description: Kubernetes cloud {0} is not allowed for folder containing job {1}.
      arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Kubernetes cloud {0} is not allowed for folder containing job {1}
    • _KubernetesCloudNotAllowed_Description

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _KubernetesCloudNotAllowed_Description(Object arg0, Object arg1)
      Key KubernetesCloudNotAllowed.Description: Kubernetes cloud {0} is not allowed for folder containing job {1}.
      arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Kubernetes cloud {0} is not allowed for folder containing job {1}
    • offline

      public static String offline()
      Key offline: Kubernetes agent is going offline.
      Kubernetes agent is going offline
    • _offline

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _offline()
      Key offline: Kubernetes agent is going offline.
      Kubernetes agent is going offline
    • KubernetesSlave_AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate

      public static String KubernetesSlave_AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate(Object arg0, Object arg1)
      Key KubernetesSlave.AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate: Agent {0} is provisioned from template {1}.
      arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Agent {0} is provisioned from template {1}
    • _KubernetesSlave_AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _KubernetesSlave_AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate(Object arg0, Object arg1)
      Key KubernetesSlave.AgentIsProvisionedFromTemplate: Agent {0} is provisioned from template {1}.
      arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Agent {0} is provisioned from template {1}
    • label_error

      public static String label_error(Object arg0)
      Key label.error: Labels must follow required specs - {0}.
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Labels must follow required specs - {0}
    • _label_error

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _label_error(Object arg0)
      Key label.error: Labels must follow required specs - {0}.
      arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
      Labels must follow required specs - {0}
    • KubernetesSlave_HomeWarning

      public static String KubernetesSlave_HomeWarning()
      Key KubernetesSlave.HomeWarning: [WARNING] HOME is set to / in the agent container. You may encounter troubles when using tools or ssh client. This usually happens if the uid doesn't have any entry in /etc/passwd. Please add a user to your Dockerfile or set the HOME environment variable to a valid directory in the pod template definition..
      [WARNING] HOME is set to / in the agent container. You may encounter troubles when using tools or ssh client. This usually happens if the uid doesn't have any entry in /etc/passwd. Please add a user to your Dockerfile or set the HOME environment variable to a valid directory in the pod template definition.
    • _KubernetesSlave_HomeWarning

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _KubernetesSlave_HomeWarning()
      Key KubernetesSlave.HomeWarning: [WARNING] HOME is set to / in the agent container. You may encounter troubles when using tools or ssh client. This usually happens if the uid doesn't have any entry in /etc/passwd. Please add a user to your Dockerfile or set the HOME environment variable to a valid directory in the pod template definition..
      [WARNING] HOME is set to / in the agent container. You may encounter troubles when using tools or ssh client. This usually happens if the uid doesn't have any entry in /etc/passwd. Please add a user to your Dockerfile or set the HOME environment variable to a valid directory in the pod template definition.
    • NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud_displayName

      public static String NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud_displayName()
      Key NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud.displayName: Kubernetes (predefined settings).
      Kubernetes (predefined settings)
    • _NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud_displayName

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud_displayName()
      Key NonConfigurableKubernetesCloud.displayName: Kubernetes (predefined settings).
      Kubernetes (predefined settings)
    • KubernetesFolderProperty_displayName

      public static String KubernetesFolderProperty_displayName()
      Key KubernetesFolderProperty.displayName: Kubernetes.
    • _KubernetesFolderProperty_displayName

      public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _KubernetesFolderProperty_displayName()
      Key KubernetesFolderProperty.displayName: Kubernetes.