All Classes and Interfaces

This class implements a Cache where the user can configure a path on the executor that will be cached.
This class provides the Cache extension point that when implemented provides the caching logic for saving files from the executor to the cache storage system and sending them back to the executor.
Utility class to calculate the size of a potentially remote directory given a pattern and excludes.
Class that is used to save the cache on the remote system back to the cache storage system.
Wrapping workflow step that automatically seeds the specified path with the previous run and on exit of the block, saves that cache to the configured item storage.
This is the entry point for the caching capability when used as a build wrapper.
Modification of the Jenkins S3 Plugin Stores settings to be used at a later time.
From S3 Jenkins Plugin Provides a way to construct a destination bucket name and object name based on the bucket name provided by the user.
From the S3 Jenkins plugin modified a bit to meet this use case
This class lets users specify globally which implementation of Item Storage should be used on this instance.
Extension point for providing a new implementation of item storage that plugins can use to store data associated with an item in whatever storage mechanism the storage implementation provides.
Descriptor for the Item Storage
Implementation of Item Storage that stores data on the Jenkins controller within the existing job folder or in custom path.
This implements the on-controller storage for object paths.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
S3 implementation of the Item Storage extension point.
The abstraction to interact with a particular object path
From S3 Plugin modified for this purpose This class supports subclasses to create S3 object metadata
Copies all objects from the path in S3 to the target base path
S3 implementation of the Item Storage extension point.
Implements ObjectPath API
Based on same named class in S3 Jenkins Plugin
Based on S3 Jenkins Plugin class.