Class JacocoBuilderTrendChart

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<hudson.plugins.view.dashboard.DashboardPortlet>, ModelObject

    public class JacocoBuilderTrendChart
    extends hudson.plugins.view.dashboard.DashboardPortlet
    A portlet for JaCoCo coverage results - Trend Chart.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JacocoBuilderTrendChart

        public JacocoBuilderTrendChart​(String name,
                                       String width,
                                       String height,
                                       String daysNumber)
        Constructor with chart attributes as parameters. DataBoundConstructor annotation helps the Stapler class to find which constructor that should be used when automatically copying values from a web form to a class.
        name - chart name
        width - the chart width
        height - the chart height
        daysNumber - the number of days
    • Method Detail

      • getSummaryGraph

        public Graph getSummaryGraph()
        This method will be called by portlet.jelly to load data and create the chart.
        Graph a summary graph
      • getWidth

        public int getWidth()
        Getter of the width.
        int the width
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight()
        Getter of the height.
        int the height
      • getDaysNumber

        public int getDaysNumber()
        Getter of the number of days.
        int the number of days