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add(File, String) - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
Inserts the specified file into this queue if it is possible to do so immediately without violating capacity restrictions


BaseHTMLAction(HtmlPublisherTarget) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction


checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.DirScanningQueueWriter
checkRoles(RoleChecker) - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.QueueShutdownAndRemover
copyRecursiveTo(FilePath, DirScanner, FilePath, String, int, ExecutorService, int, TaskListener) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.util.MultithreadedFileCopyHelper
Copies files according to a specified scanner to the controller
createFor(Job) - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.WorkflowActionsFactory


DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.DescriptorImpl
DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStep.DescriptorImpl
dir() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
dir() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLAction
dir() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
dirScannerGlob(String, String, boolean, OpenOption...) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
DirScanningQueueWriter - Class in htmlpublisher.util
Executes a dir scanner and collects the scanned files into a queue on the node, where the data is located
DirScanningQueueWriter(DirScanner, UUID) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.util.DirScanningQueueWriter
doCheck(AbstractProject, String) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation on the file mask wildcard.
doDynamic(StaplerRequest2, StaplerResponse2) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
Serves HTML reports.


equals(Object) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget


FileEntry(File, String) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue.FileEntry
FileEntryQueue - Class in htmlpublisher.util
A queue that contains files When reading entries, the queue returns a file or waits until a file is added.
Also implements signaling the end of the queue with shutdown operations.
FileEntryQueue() - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
FileEntryQueue.FileEntry - Class in htmlpublisher.util
An entry in a queue
FileEntryQueue.Statistic - Class in htmlpublisher.util
Some statistical data about the queue


getActualBuildAction() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLAction
getAllowMissing() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getAlwaysLinkToLastBuild() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getArchiveTarget(Run) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getBackToName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
getBackToName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
getBackToUrl() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
getBackToUrl() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
getDisplayName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
getDisplayName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.DescriptorImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStep.DescriptorImpl
getEscapeUnderscores() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getFile() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue.FileEntry
getFunctionName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStep.DescriptorImpl
getHTMLTarget() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLAction
Gets HtmlPublisherTarget, for which the action has been created.
getHTMLTarget() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
Gets HtmlPublisherTarget, for which the action has been created.
getHTMLTarget() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLPublishedForProjectMarkerAction
getIcon() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getIconFileName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
getIncludes() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getKeepAll() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getNumberOfWorkers() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getOrCreateQueue(UUID) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
Get the queue specified by the key from the cache.
getOverallCount() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
getOverallCount() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue.Statistic
getOverallSize() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
getOverallSize() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue.Statistic
getOwner() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
getOwner() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLPublishedForProjectMarkerAction
getProjectAction(AbstractItem) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getProjectActions(AbstractProject<?, ?>) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
getRelativePath() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue.FileEntry
getReportDir() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getReportFiles() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getReportName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getReportTargets() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
getReportTitles() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getRequiredContext() - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStep.DescriptorImpl
getRequiredMonitorService() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
getSanitizedName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getStatistic() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
getTarget() - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStep
getTitle() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
getTitle() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLAction
getTitle() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
getUrlName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
getUseWrapperFileDirectly() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
getWrapperChecksum() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
getWrapperName() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget


handleAction(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
hashCode() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
HTMLAction(AbstractItem, HtmlPublisherTarget) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLAction
HTMLBuildAction(Run<?, ?>, HtmlPublisherTarget) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
HTMLPublishedForProjectMarkerAction(Run<?, ?>, HtmlPublisherTarget) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLPublishedForProjectMarkerAction
htmlpublisher - package htmlpublisher
HtmlPublisher - Class in htmlpublisher
Saves HTML reports for the project and publishes them.
HtmlPublisher(List<HtmlPublisherTarget>) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
HtmlPublisher.DescriptorImpl - Class in htmlpublisher
htmlpublisher.util - package htmlpublisher.util
htmlpublisher.workflow - package htmlpublisher.workflow
HtmlPublisherTarget - Class in htmlpublisher
A representation of an HTML directory to archive and publish.
HtmlPublisherTarget(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
HtmlPublisherTarget(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction - Class in htmlpublisher
HtmlPublisherTarget.DescriptorImpl - Class in htmlpublisher
HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLAction - Class in htmlpublisher
HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction - Class in htmlpublisher
HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLPublishedForProjectMarkerAction - Class in htmlpublisher
Hidden action, which indicates the build has been published on the project level.


INCLUDE_ALL_PATTERN - Static variable in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
invoke(File, VirtualChannel) - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.DirScanningQueueWriter
invoke(File, VirtualChannel) - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.QueueShutdownAndRemover
isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject>) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher.DescriptorImpl


MultithreadedFileCopyHelper - Class in htmlpublisher.util
Provides copying of files from the node (controller or agent) to the controller using multiple threads.
MultithreadedFileCopyHelper() - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.util.MultithreadedFileCopyHelper


onAttached(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
onAttached(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLPublishedForProjectMarkerAction
onLoad(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLBuildAction
onLoad(Run<?, ?>) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.HTMLPublishedForProjectMarkerAction


perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?>, Launcher, BuildListener) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
project - Variable in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
PublishHTMLStep - Class in htmlpublisher.workflow
Publishes HTML reports in Workflows.
PublishHTMLStep(HtmlPublisherTarget) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStep
PublishHTMLStep.DescriptorImpl - Class in htmlpublisher.workflow
PublishHTMLStepExecution - Class in htmlpublisher.workflow
Execution for PublishHTMLStep.
publishReports(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, TaskListener, List<HtmlPublisherTarget>, Class<?>) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
Runs HTML the publishing operation for specified HtmlPublisherTargets.


QueueReadingDirScanner - Class in htmlpublisher.util
Reads files from a queue and makes them accessible as dir scanner locally (on the controller or on the agent)
QueueReadingDirScanner(UUID) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.util.QueueReadingDirScanner
QueueShutdownAndRemover - Class in htmlpublisher.util
Removes a queue from the cache on the node, where the data is located
QueueShutdownAndRemover(UUID) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.util.QueueShutdownAndRemover


readFile(String) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
readFile(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
readResolve() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
Called by XStream after object construction
remove(UUID) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
Remove the queue specified by the key from the cache
resolveParametersInString(EnvVars, TaskListener, String) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
resolveParametersInString(Run<?, ?>, TaskListener, String) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher
run() - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStepExecution


sanitizeReportName(String, boolean) - Static method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
scan(File, FileVisitor) - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.QueueReadingDirScanner
setEscapeUnderscores(boolean) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
setIcon(String) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
setIncludes(String) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
setNumberOfWorkers(int) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
setReportName(String) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
setReportTitles(String) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
setUseWrapperFileDirectly(boolean) - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget
shouldLinkToLastBuild() - Method in class htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget.BaseHTMLAction
shutdown() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
Shutdown the queue, so no new work will be accepted but the existing work remains until processed
shutdownNow() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
All workers should stop there work as we want to stop as soon as possible - regardless if there is more to do or not
start(StepContext) - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.PublishHTMLStep
Statistic(int, long) - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue.Statistic


take() - Method in class htmlpublisher.util.FileEntryQueue
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting if necessary until an element becomes available.
type() - Method in class htmlpublisher.workflow.WorkflowActionsFactory


WorkflowActionsFactory - Class in htmlpublisher.workflow
Produces actions for workflow jobs.
WorkflowActionsFactory() - Constructor for class htmlpublisher.workflow.WorkflowActionsFactory
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form