Class Migrator

  • public class Migrator
    extends Object
    Helper class incapsulates migration process from old configs to new ones After 1.12.0 this plugin uses GitHubPlugin to store all global configuration instead of push trigger descriptor
    lanwen (Merkushev Kirill)
    • Constructor Detail

      • Migrator

        public Migrator()
    • Method Detail

      • toGHServerConfig

        protected<Credential,​GitHubServerConfig> toGHServerConfig()
        Creates new string credentials from token
        converter to get all useful info from old plain creds and crete new server config
      • enableCompatibilityAliases

        public static void enableCompatibilityAliases()
        Enable xml migration from deprecated nodes to new Can be used for example as Jenkins.XSTREAM2.addCompatibilityAlias("com.cloudbees.jenkins.Credential", Credential.class);
      • enableAliases

        public static void enableAliases()
        Simplifies long node names in config files