Class Messages

  • @Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class)
    public class Messages
    extends Object
    Generated localization support class.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _common_expandable_message_title()
      Key common.expandable.message.title: Expandable message.
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _github_trigger_check_method_warning_details​(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)
      Key github.trigger.check.method.warning.details: The webhook for repo {0}/{1} on {2} failed to be registered or was removed. More info can be found on the global configuration page. This message will be dismissed if Jenkins receives a PING event from repo webhook or if you add the repo to the ignore list in the global configuration..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _global_config_hook_url_is_malformed​(Object arg0)
      Key There is a malformed GitHub webhook URL in the global configuration ({0}). Please ensure that the Jenkins URL is valid and ends with a forward slash or use the webhook URL override..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _global_config_url_is_empty()
      Key The Jenkins URL is empty. Explicitly set the Jenkins URL in the global configuration or in the GitHub plugin configuration to manage webhooks..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_description()
      Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.description: Some of the webhooks failed to be registered or were removed. You can view a detailed list of them at this page. Also you can manage the list of ignored repos..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_displayname()
      Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.displayname: GitHub Hooks Problems.
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _unknown_error()
      Key unknown.error: Unknown error.
      static String common_expandable_message_title()
      Key common.expandable.message.title: Expandable message.
      static String github_trigger_check_method_warning_details​(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2)
      Key github.trigger.check.method.warning.details: The webhook for repo {0}/{1} on {2} failed to be registered or was removed. More info can be found on the global configuration page. This message will be dismissed if Jenkins receives a PING event from repo webhook or if you add the repo to the ignore list in the global configuration..
      static String global_config_hook_url_is_malformed​(Object arg0)
      Key There is a malformed GitHub webhook URL in the global configuration ({0}). Please ensure that the Jenkins URL is valid and ends with a forward slash or use the webhook URL override..
      static String global_config_url_is_empty()
      Key The Jenkins URL is empty. Explicitly set the Jenkins URL in the global configuration or in the GitHub plugin configuration to manage webhooks..
      static String hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_description()
      Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.description: Some of the webhooks failed to be registered or were removed. You can view a detailed list of them at this page. Also you can manage the list of ignored repos..
      static String hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_displayname()
      Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.displayname: GitHub Hooks Problems.
      static String unknown_error()
      Key unknown.error: Unknown error.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Messages

        public Messages()
    • Method Detail

      • hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_description

        public static String hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_description()
        Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.description: Some of the webhooks failed to be registered or were removed. You can view a detailed list of them at this page. Also you can manage the list of ignored repos..
        Some of the webhooks failed to be registered or were removed. You can view a detailed list of them at this page. Also you can manage the list of ignored repos.
      • _hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_description

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_description()
        Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.description: Some of the webhooks failed to be registered or were removed. You can view a detailed list of them at this page. Also you can manage the list of ignored repos..
        Some of the webhooks failed to be registered or were removed. You can view a detailed list of them at this page. Also you can manage the list of ignored repos.
      • unknown_error

        public static String unknown_error()
        Key unknown.error: Unknown error.
        Unknown error
      • _unknown_error

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _unknown_error()
        Key unknown.error: Unknown error.
        Unknown error
      • github_trigger_check_method_warning_details

        public static String github_trigger_check_method_warning_details​(Object arg0,
                                                                         Object arg1,
                                                                         Object arg2)
        Key github.trigger.check.method.warning.details: The webhook for repo {0}/{1} on {2} failed to be registered or was removed. More info can be found on the global configuration page. This message will be dismissed if Jenkins receives a PING event from repo webhook or if you add the repo to the ignore list in the global configuration..
        arg2 - 3rd format parameter, {2}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        The webhook for repo {0}/{1} on {2} failed to be registered or was removed. More info can be found on the global configuration page. This message will be dismissed if Jenkins receives a PING event from repo webhook or if you add the repo to the ignore list in the global configuration.
      • _github_trigger_check_method_warning_details

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _github_trigger_check_method_warning_details​(Object arg0,
                                                                                                   Object arg1,
                                                                                                   Object arg2)
        Key github.trigger.check.method.warning.details: The webhook for repo {0}/{1} on {2} failed to be registered or was removed. More info can be found on the global configuration page. This message will be dismissed if Jenkins receives a PING event from repo webhook or if you add the repo to the ignore list in the global configuration..
        arg2 - 3rd format parameter, {2}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        arg1 - 2nd format parameter, {1}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        The webhook for repo {0}/{1} on {2} failed to be registered or was removed. More info can be found on the global configuration page. This message will be dismissed if Jenkins receives a PING event from repo webhook or if you add the repo to the ignore list in the global configuration.
      • global_config_url_is_empty

        public static String global_config_url_is_empty()
        Key The Jenkins URL is empty. Explicitly set the Jenkins URL in the global configuration or in the GitHub plugin configuration to manage webhooks..
        The Jenkins URL is empty. Explicitly set the Jenkins URL in the global configuration or in the GitHub plugin configuration to manage webhooks.
      • _global_config_url_is_empty

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _global_config_url_is_empty()
        Key The Jenkins URL is empty. Explicitly set the Jenkins URL in the global configuration or in the GitHub plugin configuration to manage webhooks..
        The Jenkins URL is empty. Explicitly set the Jenkins URL in the global configuration or in the GitHub plugin configuration to manage webhooks.
      • common_expandable_message_title

        public static String common_expandable_message_title()
        Key common.expandable.message.title: Expandable message.
        Expandable message
      • _common_expandable_message_title

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _common_expandable_message_title()
        Key common.expandable.message.title: Expandable message.
        Expandable message
      • hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_displayname

        public static String hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_displayname()
        Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.displayname: GitHub Hooks Problems.
        GitHub Hooks Problems
      • _hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_displayname

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _hooks_problem_administrative_monitor_displayname()
        Key hooks.problem.administrative.monitor.displayname: GitHub Hooks Problems.
        GitHub Hooks Problems
      • global_config_hook_url_is_malformed

        public static String global_config_hook_url_is_malformed​(Object arg0)
        Key There is a malformed GitHub webhook URL in the global configuration ({0}). Please ensure that the Jenkins URL is valid and ends with a forward slash or use the webhook URL override..
        arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        There is a malformed GitHub webhook URL in the global configuration ({0}). Please ensure that the Jenkins URL is valid and ends with a forward slash or use the webhook URL override.
      • _global_config_hook_url_is_malformed

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _global_config_hook_url_is_malformed​(Object arg0)
        Key There is a malformed GitHub webhook URL in the global configuration ({0}). Please ensure that the Jenkins URL is valid and ends with a forward slash or use the webhook URL override..
        arg0 - 1st format parameter, {0}, as String.valueOf(Object).
        There is a malformed GitHub webhook URL in the global configuration ({0}). Please ensure that the Jenkins URL is valid and ends with a forward slash or use the webhook URL override.