Class CloneOption

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CloneOption extends GitSCMExtension
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • CloneOption

      public CloneOption(boolean shallow, String reference, Integer timeout)
    • CloneOption

      @DataBoundConstructor public CloneOption(boolean shallow, boolean noTags, String reference, Integer timeout)
  • Method Details

    • isShallow

      public boolean isShallow()
    • isNoTags

      public boolean isNoTags()
    • setHonorRefspec

      @DataBoundSetter public void setHonorRefspec(boolean honorRefspec)
      This setting allows the job definition to control whether the refspec will be honored during the first clone or not. Prior to git plugin 2.5.1, JENKINS-31393 caused the user provided refspec to be ignored during the initial clone. It was honored in later fetch operations, but not in the first clone. That meant the initial clone had to fetch all the branches and their references from the remote repository, even if those branches were later ignored due to the refspec. The fix for JENKINS-31393 exposed JENKINS-36507 which suggests that the Gerrit Plugin assumes all references are fetched, even though it only passes the refspec for one branch.
      honorRefspec - true if refspec should be honored on clone
    • isHonorRefspec

      public boolean isHonorRefspec()
      Returns true if the job should clone only the items which match the refspec, or if all references are cloned, then the refspec should be used in later operations. Prior to git plugin 2.5.1, JENKINS-31393 caused the user provided refspec to be ignored during the initial clone. It was honored in later fetch operations, but not in the first clone. That meant the initial clone had to fetch all the branches and their references from the remote repository, even if those branches were later ignored due to the refspec. The fix for JENKINS-31393 exposed JENKINS-36507 which seems to show that the Gerrit Plugin assumes all references are fetched, even though it only passes the refspec for one branch.
      true if initial clone will honor the user defined refspec
    • getReference

      public String getReference()
    • getTimeout

      public Integer getTimeout()
    • setDepth

      @DataBoundSetter public void setDepth(Integer depth)
    • getDepth

      public Integer getDepth()
    • decorateCloneCommand

      public void decorateCloneCommand(GitSCM scm, Run<?,?> build, org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient git, TaskListener listener, org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CloneCommand cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException, hudson.plugins.git.GitException
      Called before a CloneCommand is executed to allow extensions to alter its behaviour.
      decorateCloneCommand in class GitSCMExtension
      scm - GitSCM object
      build - run context
      git - GitClient
      listener - build log
      cmd - clone command to be decorated
      IOException - on input or output error
      InterruptedException - when interrupted
      hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
    • decorateFetchCommand

      @Deprecated public void decorateFetchCommand(GitSCM scm, org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient git, TaskListener listener, org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.FetchCommand cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException, hudson.plugins.git.GitException
      Called before a FetchCommand is executed to allow extensions to alter its behaviour.
      decorateFetchCommand in class GitSCMExtension
      scm - GitSCM object
      git - GitClient
      listener - build log
      cmd - fetch command to be decorated
      IOException - on input or output error
      InterruptedException - when interrupted
      hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
    • determineSupportForJGit

      public void determineSupportForJGit(GitSCM scm, @NonNull org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.UnsupportedCommand cmd)
      Description copied from class: GitSCMExtension
      Called when support of JGit for a particular or multiple extensions is to be determined
      determineSupportForJGit in class GitSCMExtension
      scm - GitSCM object
      cmd - UnsupportedCommand object
    • getRequiredClient

      public GitClientType getRequiredClient()
      Let extension declare required GitClient implementation. git-plugin will then detect conflicts, and fallback to globally configured default git client
      getRequiredClient in class GitSCMExtension
      git client type required for this extension
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object