Class BuildWithEiffelStep

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.Step>

    public class BuildWithEiffelStep
    extends org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.Step
    Defines a pipeline step that is a modified copy of BuildTriggerStep to trigger a downstream build with a custom activity name set in the Eiffel activity event EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent ActT. The step execution is overridden to use a modified copy of BuildTriggerStepExecution that will add a new build action EiffelActivityDataAction to the downstream build that stores the ActT activity name. This action is then used in QueueListenerImpl to override the activity name when a new ActT is fired as the downstream build enters a waiting state in the build queue.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BuildWithEiffelStep

        public BuildWithEiffelStep​(String job)
    • Method Detail

      • getActivityName

        public String getActivityName()
      • setActivityName

        public void setActivityName​(String activityName)
      • getJob

        public String getJob()
      • setParameters

        public void setParameters​(List<ParameterValue> parameters)
      • getWait

        public boolean getWait()
      • setWait

        public void setWait​(boolean wait)
      • getWaitForStart

        public boolean getWaitForStart()
      • setWaitForStart

        public void setWaitForStart​(boolean waitForStart)
      • getQuietPeriod

        public Integer getQuietPeriod()
      • setQuietPeriod

        public void setQuietPeriod​(Integer quietPeriod)
      • isPropagate

        public boolean isPropagate()
      • setPropagate

        public void setPropagate​(boolean propagate)
      • start

        public org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.StepExecution start​(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.StepContext context)
        Specified by:
        start in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.Step