Class EiffelActivityAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Action, ModelObject

@ExportedBean public class EiffelActivityAction extends Object implements Action
An Action for storing the Eiffel activity events (EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent (ActT), EiffelActivityStartedEvent (ActS), and EiffelActivityFinishedEvent (ActF)) that have been emitted for a Run. This allows other plugins and clients in a CI/CD pipeline to map a Run into the Eiffel domain. This action is instantiated when ActT is sent and always contains that event. At that point the contents of ActS and ActF are unknown so the methods for returning those events return null.
  • Constructor Details

    • EiffelActivityAction

      public EiffelActivityAction(@NonNull EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent triggerEvent) throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
  • Method Details

    • getFinishedEvent

      @CheckForNull public EiffelActivityFinishedEvent getFinishedEvent() throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
      Returns the Run's EiffelActivityFinishedEvent, or null if the Run hasn't completed and no event has been sent.
    • getFinishedEventJSON

      @CheckForNull @Exported public String getFinishedEventJSON()
      Returns the Run's EiffelActivityFinishedEvent expressed as a JSON string, or null if the Run hasn't completed and no event has been sent.
    • getStartedEvent

      @CheckForNull public EiffelActivityStartedEvent getStartedEvent() throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
      Returns the Run's EiffelActivityStartedEvent, or null if the Run hasn't completed and no event has been sent.
    • getStartedEventJSON

      @CheckForNull @Exported public String getStartedEventJSON()
      Returns the Run's EiffelActivityStartedEvent expressed as a JSON string, or null if the Run hasn't completed and no event has been sent.
    • getTriggerEvent

      @NonNull public EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent getTriggerEvent() throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
      Returns the Run's EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent.
    • getTriggerEventJSON

      @Exported public String getTriggerEventJSON()
      Returns the Run's EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent expressed as a JSON string.
    • getIconFileName

      @CheckForNull public String getIconFileName()
      Specified by:
      getIconFileName in interface Action
    • getDisplayName

      @CheckForNull public String getDisplayName()
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface Action
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface ModelObject
    • getUrlName

      @CheckForNull public String getUrlName()
      Specified by:
      getUrlName in interface Action