Serialized Form

  • Package io.jenkins.plugins.dotnet

    • Class io.jenkins.plugins.dotnet.DotNetConfiguration

      class DotNetConfiguration extends GlobalConfiguration implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • buildAllowed
          boolean buildAllowed
          Indicates whether the "build" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • cleanAllowed
          boolean cleanAllowed
          Indicates whether the "clean" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • listPackageAllowed
          boolean listPackageAllowed
          Indicates whether the "list package" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • nuGetDeleteAllowed
          boolean nuGetDeleteAllowed
          Indicates whether the "nuget delete" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • nuGetLocalsAllowed
          boolean nuGetLocalsAllowed
          Indicates whether the "nuget locals" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • nuGetPushAllowed
          boolean nuGetPushAllowed
          Indicates whether the "nuget push" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • packAllowed
          boolean packAllowed
          Indicates whether the "pack" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • publishAllowed
          boolean publishAllowed
          Indicates whether the "publish" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • restoreAllowed
          boolean restoreAllowed
          Indicates whether the "restore" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • telemetryOptOut
          boolean telemetryOptOut
          Indicates whether the telemetry opt-out is set.
        • testAllowed
          boolean testAllowed
          Indicates whether the "test" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
        • toolRestoreAllowed
          boolean toolRestoreAllowed
          Indicates whether the "tool restore" command should be available for use in freestyle projects.
    • Class io.jenkins.plugins.dotnet.DotNetSDK

      class DotNetSDK extends ToolInstallation implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • configuration
          DotNetConfiguration configuration
          The global configuration for the .NET SDK plugin.
        • telemetryOptOut
          boolean telemetryOptOut
          Indicates whether the telemetry opt-out is set.
  • Package io.jenkins.plugins.dotnet.console