All Classes and Interfaces

Created by magnayn on 22/02/2014.
Created by magnayn on 10/01/2014.
Just for assisting form related stuff.
Builder that contains one of the possible "option" control step.
Abstract class for cloud based container "control" actions
Root abstract class for DockerBuilderControls
Created by magnayn on 30/01/2014.
Build step that provision? container in Docker Cloud
Build step that allows run container through existed DockerCloud
Starts container in DockerCloud
Build step that stops container in DockerCloud
Stop all containers that ???
Builder that adds template to all clouds.
Builder extension to build / publish an image from a Dockerfile.
Created by magnayn on 10/01/2014.
Just for assisting form related stuff.
Docker Cloud configuration.
Represents remote (running) container
Create a DockerTransientNode based on a template.
This constant interface defines the identifiers of label keys used at containers, which are generated using this plugin.
Periodic job which gets executed by Jenkins automatically.
use DockerServerCredentials
Records that the user has disabled something "until further notice", or the system has disabled something for a period, or both.
Created by magnayn on 30/01/2014.
Represents an own section to specify a Docker Template in job configuration.
Action to record launching of an agent.
Manage the docker images.
Descriptor is only used for UI form bindings.
Created by magnayn on 22/02/2014.
De-multiplex an application/vnd.docker.raw-stream as described on Docker API documentation
Retention strategy that allows our docker agents to run only a single build before disconnecting.
Post-build step that allow stop all matched container
This listener handles templates which are configured in a project.
Listen for builds being deleted, and optionally clean up resources (docker images) when this happens.
A simple template storage.
Base for docker templates - does not include Jenkins items like labels.
A AbstractCloudSlave node designed to be used only once for a build.
Ping the nodeProvisioner as a new task enters the queue, so it can provision a DockerSlave without delay.
Utilities to fetch things out of jenkins environment.
Generated localization support class.
A cache that keep things until they haven't been used for a given duration.
Callback API to handle things that are no longer in use when they eventually fall out of the cache.