Class DatadogSCMListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • DatadogSCMListener

        public DatadogSCMListener()
    • Method Detail

      • onCheckout

        public void onCheckout​(Run<?,​?> build,
                               SCM scm,
                               FilePath workspace,
                               TaskListener listener,
                               File changelogFile,
                               SCMRevisionState pollingBaseline)
                        throws Exception
        Invoked right after the source code for the build has been checked out. It will NOT be called if a checkout fails.
        onCheckout in class SCMListener
        build - - Current build
        scm - - Configured SCM
        workspace - - Current workspace
        listener - - Current build listener
        changelogFile - - Changelog
        pollingBaseline - - Polling
        Exception - if an error is encountered