Class ExponentialBackOffServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Contract(threading=SAFE) public class ExponentialBackOffServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy extends Object implements org.apache.http.client.ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy
An implementation that backs off exponentially based on the number of consecutive failed attempts. It uses the following defaults:
         no delay in case it was never tried or didn't fail so far
     6 secs delay for one failed attempt (= getInitialExpiryInMillis())
    60 secs delay for two failed attempts
    10 mins delay for three failed attempts
   100 mins delay for four failed attempts
  ~16 hours delay for five failed attempts
   24 hours delay for six or more failed attempts (= getMaxExpiryInMillis())
The following equation is used to calculate the delay for a specific revalidation request:
     delay = getInitialExpiryInMillis() * Math.pow(getBackOffRate(),
     AsynchronousValidationRequest.getConsecutiveFailedAttempts() - 1))
The resulting delay won't exceed getMaxExpiryInMillis().
  • Field Details


      public static final long DEFAULT_BACK_OFF_RATE
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_INITIAL_EXPIRY_IN_MILLIS

      public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_EXPIRY_IN_MILLIS
  • Constructor Details

    • ExponentialBackOffServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy

      public ExponentialBackOffServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy()
      Create a new strategy using a fixed pool of worker threads.
    • ExponentialBackOffServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy

      public ExponentialBackOffServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy(long backOffRate, long initialExpiryInMillis, long maxExpiryInMillis)
      Create a new strategy by using a fixed pool of worker threads and the given parameters to calculated the delay.
      backOffRate - the back off rate to be used; not negative
      initialExpiryInMillis - the initial expiry in milli seconds; not negative
      maxExpiryInMillis - the upper limit of the delay in milli seconds; not negative
  • Method Details

    • getBackOffRate

      public long getBackOffRate()
    • getInitialExpiryInMillis

      public long getInitialExpiryInMillis()
    • getMaxExpiryInMillis

      public long getMaxExpiryInMillis()
    • retryRequest

      public boolean retryRequest(org.apache.http.HttpResponse response, int executionCount, org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext context)
      Specified by:
      retryRequest in interface org.apache.http.client.ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy
    • getRetryInterval

      public long getRetryInterval()
      Specified by:
      getRetryInterval in interface org.apache.http.client.ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy