Uses of Package
Packages that use org.ow2.clif.jenkins Package Description org.ow2.clif.jenkins -
Classes in org.ow2.clif.jenkins used by org.ow2.clif.jenkins Class Description AbstractClifAction Abstract class with functionality common to all Clif actions.ClifAlias ClifBuildAction Action used for Clif report on build level.ClifBuilder Clif task builder, based on CommandInterpreter, and finally on BatchFile or Shell depending on the operating system.ClifBuilder.DescriptorImpl ClifDataCleanup ClifInstallation Represents the Clif installation on the system.ClifInstallation.DescriptorImpl ClifPlugin Global configuration parameters for the Clif plugin.ClifProActiveConfig ClifPublisher The publisher creates the results we want from the Clif execution.ClifPublisher.DescriptorImpl ClifResultConfig ImportZipAction PreviewZipAction