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accept(RecursivePathWatcher.Event, Path) - Method in interface io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher.PathEventHandler
administration() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key administration: Administration.
all() - Static method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BluePageDecorator
allows(Path) - Method in interface io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher.PathFilter
Determins if the path is allowed


BlueOceanUI - Class in io.jenkins.blueocean
Root of Blue Ocean UI
BlueOceanUI() - Constructor for class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
BluePageDecorator - Class in io.jenkins.blueocean
Participates in the rendering of HTML pages for all pages of Hudson.
BluePageDecorator() - Constructor for class io.jenkins.blueocean.BluePageDecorator


common_logging_warning_chrome() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.logging.warning.chrome: Chrome displays console errors even for network requests properly handled in Blue Ocean. You can hide these spurious errors in Console by clicking 'Console settings' (gear icon) and enabling 'Hide network'.
common_logging_warning_firefox() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.logging.warning.firefox: Firefox sometimes displays console errors even for network requests properly handled in Blue Ocean. You can hide these spurious errors in Console by deselecting the 'Net' category.
common_state_aborted(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.aborted: Aborted after {0}.
common_state_failure(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.failure: Failed in {0}.
common_state_not_built() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.not_built: Not built.
common_state_paused(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.paused: Running for {0}.
common_state_queued(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.queued: Running for {0}.
common_state_running(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.running: Running for {0}.
common_state_skipped() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.skipped: Skipped.
common_state_success(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.success: Passed in {0}.
common_state_unknown() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.unknown: Unknown.
common_state_unstable(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.unstable: Passed in {0} but marked as unstable..
Connection_lost_activity() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.lost.activity: waiting.
Connection_lost_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.lost.message: Connection lost.
Connection_ok_activity() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.ok.activity: reloading.
Connection_ok_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.ok.message: Connection ok.
CREATE - io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher.Event


DELETE - io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher.Event
destroy() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.ResourceCacheControl
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.ResourceCacheControl


getCrumbRequestField() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
Get the crumb request field
getCrumbToken() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
Get the crumb token value
getDynamic(String) - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
Exposes RootRoutables to the URL space.
getLang() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
Get the language associated with the current page.
getNow() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
getPageDecorators() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
getPageStatePreloaders() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.PageStatePreloadDecorator
getUrlBase() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
The base of all BlueOcean URLs (underneath wherever Jenkins itself is deployed).
go_to_classic() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key go.to.classic: Go to classic.


init(FilterConfig) - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.ResourceCacheControl
inputParameter_error_linktext() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key inputParameter.error.linktext: Resolve Input.
inputParameter_error_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key inputParameter.error.message: This pipeline uses input types that are unsupported. Use Jenkins Classic to resolve parametrized build..
inputParameter_error_title() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key inputParameter.error.title: Error.
install() - Static method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.ResourceCacheControl
io.jenkins.blueocean - package io.jenkins.blueocean
io.jenkins.blueocean.dev - package io.jenkins.blueocean.dev
isDevelopmentMode() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.BlueOceanUI
Have some slightly different behavior in development mode
isEnabled - Static variable in class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RunBundleWatches


jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web - package jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web


login() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key login: Login.
logout() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key logout: Logout.


Messages - Class in jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web
Generated localization support class.
Messages() - Constructor for class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
MODIFY - io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher.Event


Not_found_heading() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Not.found.heading: Page not found (404).
Not_found_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Not.found.message: Jenkins could not find the page you were looking for. Check the URL for errors or press the back button..


PageStatePreloadDecorator - Class in io.jenkins.blueocean
PageStatePreloadDecorator() - Constructor for class io.jenkins.blueocean.PageStatePreloadDecorator
parameter_error_message(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameter.error.message: The "{0}" input type is not yet supported..
parameter_error_title() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameter.error.title: Error.
parameterized_pipeline_cancel() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameterized.pipeline.cancel: Cancel.
parameterized_pipeline_header() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameterized.pipeline.header: Input required.
parameterized_pipeline_submit() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameterized.pipeline.submit: Run.
pipelines() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key pipelines: Pipelines.


RecursivePathWatcher - Class in io.jenkins.blueocean.dev
Recursively watches directories for file changes only notifies when files are added, modified, or deleted but tracks all added/removed directories.
RecursivePathWatcher(Path) - Constructor for class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher
RecursivePathWatcher(Path, RecursivePathWatcher.PathFilter) - Constructor for class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher
RecursivePathWatcher.Event - Enum in io.jenkins.blueocean.dev
RecursivePathWatcher.PathEventHandler - Interface in io.jenkins.blueocean.dev
RecursivePathWatcher.PathFilter - Interface in io.jenkins.blueocean.dev
Allows filtering of specific subtrees
ResourceCacheControl - Class in io.jenkins.blueocean
Resource cache-control filter.
run_rerun() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key run.rerun: Rerun.
RunBundleWatches - Class in io.jenkins.blueocean.dev
RunBundleWatches() - Constructor for class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RunBundleWatches


start(RecursivePathWatcher.PathEventHandler) - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher
startBundleWatches() - Static method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RunBundleWatches


terminate() - Method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher
toast_abort() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.abort: Abort.
toast_configure() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.configure: Configure.
toast_run() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run: Run.
toast_run_open() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run.open: Open.
toast_run_started(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run.started: Started "{0}" #{1}.
toast_run_stopping(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run.stopping: Stopping "{0}" #{1}....
toast_stop() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.stop: Stop.
toast_stopping() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.stopping: Stopping....


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher.Event
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RecursivePathWatcher.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForScriptBuilds() - Static method in class io.jenkins.blueocean.dev.RunBundleWatches


_administration() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key administration: Administration.
_common_logging_warning_chrome() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.logging.warning.chrome: Chrome displays console errors even for network requests properly handled in Blue Ocean. You can hide these spurious errors in Console by clicking 'Console settings' (gear icon) and enabling 'Hide network'.
_common_logging_warning_firefox() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.logging.warning.firefox: Firefox sometimes displays console errors even for network requests properly handled in Blue Ocean. You can hide these spurious errors in Console by deselecting the 'Net' category.
_common_state_aborted(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.aborted: Aborted after {0}.
_common_state_failure(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.failure: Failed in {0}.
_common_state_not_built() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.not_built: Not built.
_common_state_paused(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.paused: Running for {0}.
_common_state_queued(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.queued: Running for {0}.
_common_state_running(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.running: Running for {0}.
_common_state_skipped() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.skipped: Skipped.
_common_state_success(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.success: Passed in {0}.
_common_state_unknown() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.unknown: Unknown.
_common_state_unstable(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key common.state.unstable: Passed in {0} but marked as unstable..
_Connection_lost_activity() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.lost.activity: waiting.
_Connection_lost_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.lost.message: Connection lost.
_Connection_ok_activity() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.ok.activity: reloading.
_Connection_ok_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Connection.ok.message: Connection ok.
_go_to_classic() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key go.to.classic: Go to classic.
_inputParameter_error_linktext() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key inputParameter.error.linktext: Resolve Input.
_inputParameter_error_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key inputParameter.error.message: This pipeline uses input types that are unsupported. Use Jenkins Classic to resolve parametrized build..
_inputParameter_error_title() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key inputParameter.error.title: Error.
_login() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key login: Login.
_logout() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key logout: Logout.
_Not_found_heading() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Not.found.heading: Page not found (404).
_Not_found_message() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key Not.found.message: Jenkins could not find the page you were looking for. Check the URL for errors or press the back button..
_parameter_error_message(Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameter.error.message: The "{0}" input type is not yet supported..
_parameter_error_title() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameter.error.title: Error.
_parameterized_pipeline_cancel() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameterized.pipeline.cancel: Cancel.
_parameterized_pipeline_header() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameterized.pipeline.header: Input required.
_parameterized_pipeline_submit() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key parameterized.pipeline.submit: Run.
_pipelines() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key pipelines: Pipelines.
_run_rerun() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key run.rerun: Rerun.
_toast_abort() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.abort: Abort.
_toast_configure() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.configure: Configure.
_toast_run() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run: Run.
_toast_run_open() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run.open: Open.
_toast_run_started(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run.started: Started "{0}" #{1}.
_toast_run_stopping(Object, Object) - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.run.stopping: Stopping "{0}" #{1}....
_toast_stop() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.stop: Stop.
_toast_stopping() - Static method in class jenkins.plugins.blueocean.web.Messages
Key toast.stopping: Stopping....
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