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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description AlphanumComparator This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski, Andre Bogus, and David Koelle.Artifactory A connector that provides access to the supported REST endpoints of JFrog Artifactory.ArtifactRepoParamDefinition ArtifactRepoParamDefinition.DescriptorImpl ArtifactRepoParamDescriptor ArtifactRepoParameterValue ArtifactRepoParamProxy An immutable bean storing proxy related information defined in the optional block in the config view (Connection Options).Connector A connector interface for each artifact repository connector to implement.Constants Constants.ParameterType Defines the ID of the different parameter options.Dummy A dummy implementation used as a fallback in case a regular connector cannot be obtained.FormatType A bean that stores the selected options for format types of artifact repositories.HttpResponse An immutable bean to store the return code and entity payload of an HTTP request.Messages Generated localization support class.Nexus A class that provides access to the supported REST endpoints of Sonatype Nexus.PluginHelper A simple utility class to help create the HTTP connection from the plugin to the target repository instances.RepoType A bean that stores the selected options repo types of the artifact repositories.ResultEntry An object representing a result entry displayed on the index.jelly page.