Class SdkInstaller

  • public class SdkInstaller
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SdkInstaller

        public SdkInstaller()
    • Method Detail

      • installPlatform

        public static void installPlatform​(PrintStream logger,
                                           Launcher launcher,
                                           AndroidSdk sdk,
                                           String platform,
                                           String abi,
                                           boolean skipSystemImageInstall)
                                    throws IOException,
        Installs the given platform and its dependencies into the given installation, if necessary.
        logger - Logs things.
        launcher - Used to launch tasks on the remote node.
        sdk - SDK installation to install components for.
        platform - Specifies the platform to be installed.
        abi - Specifies the ABI to be installed; may be null.
        skipSystemImageInstall - Specifies that the system image does not need to be installed (useful for named emulator)
      • optOutOfSdkStatistics

        public static void optOutOfSdkStatistics​(Launcher launcher,
                                                 BuildListener listener,
                                                 String androidSdkHome)
        Writes the configuration file required to opt out of SDK usage statistics gathering.
        launcher - Used for running tasks on the remote node.
        listener - Used to access logger.
        androidSdkHome -