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AnalysisSummary - Class in com.absint.astree
Stores an analysis (result) summary and provides an interface to the analysis result for the Astrée PlugIn classes.
AstreeBuilder - Class in com.absint.astree
When the user configures the project and enables this builder, Descriptor.newInstance(StaplerRequest) is invoked and a new AstreeBuilder is created.
AstreeBuilder(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, FailonSwitch) - Constructor for class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl - Class in com.absint.astree
Descriptor for AstreeBuilder.


com.absint.astree - package com.absint.astree
configure(StaplerRequest, JSONObject) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Sets a new configuration.
containsEnvVars(String) - Static method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Helper method to check whether a string contains an environment variable of form


DescriptorImpl() - Constructor for class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
doCheckAlauncher(String, AbstractProject) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'alauncher'.
doCheckAnalysis_id(String) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'analysis_id'.
doCheckAstree_server(String) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'astree_server'.
doCheckDax_file(String) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'dax_file'.
doCheckOutput_dir(String) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'output_dir'.


failOnAlarms() - Method in class com.absint.astree.FailonSwitch
Determines whether the configuration is set to fail a build in case a potential runtime error ("alarm") is reported.
failOnErrors() - Method in class com.absint.astree.FailonSwitch
Determines whether the configuration is set to fail a build in case a definite runtime error is reported.
failOnFlowAnomalies() - Method in class com.absint.astree.FailonSwitch
Determines whether the configuration is set to fail a build in case a flow anomaly ("Type D alarm") is reported.
FailonSwitch - Class in com.absint.astree
Helper class for the com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.
FailonSwitch(String) - Constructor for class com.absint.astree.FailonSwitch
finalize() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Override finalize method to ensure existing a3c client processes are killed upon destruction of AstreeBuilder objects.


getAlauncher() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Returns the currently configured alauncher.
getAnalysis_id() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Returns the currently set analysis ID used for the analysis run.
getAstree_server() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Returns the currently configured Astrée server (as host:port).
getComp1610() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Returns the status of compatibility mode with release 16.10.
getDax_file() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Returns the currently set path to the DAX file used for the analysis run.
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Return the human readable name used in the configuration screen.
getFailon() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
getFailon() - Method in class com.absint.astree.FailonSwitch
Returns the short name for the currently configured/set situations in which the plugin may fail a build.
getNumberOfAlarms() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AnalysisSummary
Returns the number of reported potential runtime errors ("alarms").
getNumberOfErrors() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AnalysisSummary
Returns the number of reported definite runtime errors ("errors").
getNumberOfFlowAnomalies() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AnalysisSummary
Returns the number of reported flow anaomalies ("Type D alarms").
getNumberOfRuleViolations() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AnalysisSummary
Returns the number of reported rule violations ("Type R alarms").
getNumberOfTrueAlarms() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AnalysisSummary
Returns the number of reported potential runtime errors ("alarms") classified as "true".
getNumberOfUncommentedAlarms() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AnalysisSummary
Returns the number of reported potential runtime errors ("alarms") not commented.
getOutput_dir() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Returns the currently set path used as output directory for the analyses.
getPassword() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Returns the currently configured Astrée (user) password.
getUser() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Returns the currently configured Astrée user.


isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject>) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder.DescriptorImpl
Indicates that this builder can be used with all kinds of project types.
isDropAnalysis() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the project is to be deleted on the server after the analysis run.
isFailonswitch() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to potentially fail a build.
isGenPreprocessOutput() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to produce the (text) preprocess output report.
isGenXMLAlarmsByCategory() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to produce the XML alarms-by-category summary.
isGenXMLAlarmsByFile() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to produce the XML alarms-by-file summary.
isGenXMLAlarmsByOccurence() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to produce the XML alarms-by-occurence summary.
isGenXMLCoverage() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to produce the XML coverage summary.
isGenXMLOverview() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to produce the XML overview summary.
isGenXMLRulechecks() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to produce the XML rule checks summary.
isSkip_analysis() - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder
Indicates whether the analysis run is configured to be temporarily skipped (i.e., no analysis is to be done).


perform(Run<?, ?>, FilePath, Launcher, TaskListener) - Method in class com.absint.astree.AstreeBuilder


readFromReportFile(String) - Static method in class com.absint.astree.AnalysisSummary
Constructs an AnalyisSummary object from a report file (txt version).


setFailon(String) - Method in class com.absint.astree.FailonSwitch
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