All Classes and Interfaces

Scheduler based on Fair Queuing algorithm.
Used to store info about a Queue.Item and related information calculated by the Plugin
Statuses for Build in the the queue, used to track status in ItemInfo
Describes job group for Advanced Queue Sorter.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Implements a strategy with multiple buckets.
Priority column on the jobs overview page.
Plugin is the staring point of the Priority Sorter Plugin.
Extends the JobRestriction from Job Restrictions Plugin making it possible to restrict Node usage based on priority.
Keeps track of the Queue.Items seen by the Sorter.
Implements descriptor for SorterStrategy.
Keeps track of the Queue.Items seen by the Sorter, but removed from the queue to become jobs, for UpstreamCauseStrategy.