Class JavaUtils


@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public class JavaUtils extends Object
Utility class for Java environment management and checks.
Oleg Nenashev
  • Method Details

    • isRunningWithJava8OrBelow

      public static boolean isRunningWithJava8OrBelow()
      Check whether the current JVM is running with Java 8 or below
      true if it is Java 8 or older version
    • isRunningWithPostJava8

      public static boolean isRunningWithPostJava8()
      Check whether the current JVM is running with Java 9 or above.
      true if it is Java 9 or above
    • getCurrentJavaRuntimeVersionNumber

      public static io.jenkins.lib.versionnumber.JavaSpecificationVersion getCurrentJavaRuntimeVersionNumber()
      Returns the JVM's current version as a VersionNumber instance.
    • getCurrentRuntimeJavaVersion

      public static String getCurrentRuntimeJavaVersion()
      Returns the JVM's current version as a String. See JEP 223 for the expected format.
      • Until Java 8 included, the expected format should be starting with 1.x
      • Starting with Java 9, cf. JEP-223 linked above, the version got simplified in 9.x, 10.x, etc.
      See Also: