Class TokenUuidAndPlainValue


@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.Beta.class) public class TokenUuidAndPlainValue extends Object
Contains information about the token and the secret value. It should not be stored as is, but just displayed once to the user and then forget about it.
This was added in 2.260 but marked NoExternalUse, opened as Beta in 2.265
  • Field Details

    • tokenUuid

      public final String tokenUuid
      The token identifier to allow manipulation of the token
    • plainValue

      public final String plainValue
      Confidential information, must not be stored.

      It's meant to be send only one to the user and then only store the hash of this value.

  • Constructor Details

    • TokenUuidAndPlainValue

      public TokenUuidAndPlainValue(String tokenUuid, String plainValue)