Class HudsonHomeDiskUsageChecker

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Runnable

@Extension @Symbol("diskUsageCheck") public class HudsonHomeDiskUsageChecker extends PeriodicWork
Periodically checks the disk usage of JENKINS_HOME, and activate HudsonHomeDiskUsageMonitor if necessary.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details


      public static long FREE_SPACE_THRESHOLD
      Gets the minimum amount of space to check for, with a default of 10GB
  • Constructor Details

    • HudsonHomeDiskUsageChecker

      public HudsonHomeDiskUsageChecker()
  • Method Details

    • getRecurrencePeriod

      public long getRecurrencePeriod()
      Description copied from class: PeriodicWork
      Gets the number of milliseconds between successive executions.

      Hudson calls this method once to set up a recurring timer, instead of calling this each time after the previous execution completed. So this class cannot be used to implement a non-regular recurring timer.

      IOW, the method should always return the same value.

      Specified by:
      getRecurrencePeriod in class PeriodicWork
    • doRun

      protected void doRun()
      Specified by:
      doRun in class SafeTimerTask