Uses of Class

Uses of GHUser in org.kohsuke.github

Methods in org.kohsuke.github that return GHUser
 GHUser GitHub.getMyself()
          Gets the GHUser that represents yourself.
 GHUser GHRepository.getOwner()
 GHUser GHPullRequest.getUser()
          User who submitted a pull request.
 GHUser GHCommitPointer.getUser()
          This points to the user who owns the GHCommitPointer.repository.
protected  GHUser GitHub.getUser(GHUser orig)
          Interns the given GHUser.
 GHUser GitHub.getUser(String login)
          Obtains the object that represents the named user.

Methods in org.kohsuke.github that return types with arguments of type GHUser
 Set<GHUser> GHRepository.getCollaborators()
          Gets the collaborators on this repository.
 Set<GHUser> GHUser.getFollowers()
          Lists the users who are following this user.
 Set<GHUser> GHUser.getFollows()
          Lists the users that this user is following
 Set<GHUser> GHTeam.getMembers()
          Retrieves the current members.

Methods in org.kohsuke.github with parameters of type GHUser
 void GHTeam.add(GHUser u)
          Adds a member to the team.
 void GHRepository.addCollaborators(GHUser... users)
protected  GHUser GitHub.getUser(GHUser orig)
          Interns the given GHUser.
 void GHTeam.remove(GHUser u)
          Removes a member to the team.
 void GHRepository.removeCollaborators(GHUser... users)

Method parameters in org.kohsuke.github with type arguments of type GHUser
 void GHRepository.addCollaborators(Collection<GHUser> users)
 void GHRepository.removeCollaborators(Collection<GHUser> users)

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