Package hudson

Class AbstractMarkupText

    • Method Detail

      • getText

        public abstract String getText()
        Returns the plain text portion of this MarkupText without any markup, nor any escape.
      • charAt

        public char charAt​(int idx)
      • length

        public final int length()
        Length of the plain text.
      • subText

        public abstract MarkupText.SubText subText​(int start,
                                                   int end)
        Returns a subtext.
        end - If negative, -N means "trim the last N-1 chars". That is, (s,-1) is the same as (s,length)
      • addMarkup

        public abstract void addMarkup​(int startPos,
                                       int endPos,
                                       String startTag,
                                       String endTag)
        Adds a start tag and end tag at the specified position.

        For example, if the text was "abc", then addMarkup(1,2,"<b>","</b>") would generate "a<b>b</b>c"

      • addHyperlink

        public void addHyperlink​(int startPos,
                                 int endPos,
                                 String url)
        Inserts an A tag that surrounds the given position.
      • addHyperlinkLowKey

        public void addHyperlinkLowKey​(int startPos,
                                       int endPos,
                                       String url)
        Inserts an A tag that surrounds the given position. But this hyperlink is less visible.
      • hide

        public void hide​(int startPos,
                         int endPos)
        Hides the given text.
      • wrapBy

        public final void wrapBy​(String startTag,
                                 String endTag)
        Adds a start tag and end tag around the entire text
      • findToken

        public MarkupText.SubText findToken​(Pattern pattern)
        Find the first occurrence of the given pattern in this text, or null.
      • findTokens

        public List<MarkupText.SubText> findTokens​(Pattern pattern)
        Find all "tokens" that match the given pattern in this text.

        A token is like a substring, except that it's aware of word boundaries. For example, while "bc" is a string of "abc", calling findTokens with "bc" as a pattern on string "abc" won't match anything.

        This method is convenient for finding keywords that follow a certain syntax from natural text. You can then use MarkupText.SubText.surroundWith(String,String) to put mark up around such text.